Felicity Crimston

Felicity Crimston

With over ten years experience in management and accounting roles, focusing largely on the pharmacy market, Felicity works closely with her clients to identify and provide solutions on a range of tax compliance, financial structuring, accounting and commercial matters. Being in touch with the latest industry trends and government regulations, she assists her clients in achieving their strategic goals and developing their businesses to achieve market leading results. She has been with the Pitcher Pharmacy division for over 10 years and has actively managed the financial and management accounting work for over 50 pharmacies in Australia.
Industry Experience
- Pharmacy
- Retail
Areas of Expertise
- Retail and pharmacy business advice: business planning, business restructuring, valuations and annual tax compliance
- Professional Qualifictions and Memberships
- Bachelor of Business (QUT)
- Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy Management (Monash University)
- Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia
- Executive Education Program in Strategic Planning and Management in Retailing (Swinburne University of Technology)